K-4 Teaching Unit

I’ve developed a teaching unit for grades K-4 that sprung out of my own curiosity. As I was writing Leon’s Song, I wondered how old I could make Leon. As I thought about this issue, I wondered about how frogs such as Leon survive from one year to the next given the harshness of winter and the yearly freezing of ponds.

The result of my research is a unit called Ponds in Winter. While it took hours and hours to research and compile this information, I hope you share my enthusiasm with the results. The true story of how pond creatures weather the winter is truly fascinating! Specifically, this unit answers two questions:

  1. How do pond creatures survive in winter?
  2.  Why doesn’t a pond freeze all the way to the bottom?

Have fun with the fascinating facts I’ve discovered clicking the image or link below:

K-4 Teaching Unit: Ponds in Winter


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